The railway ride at Nantwich Methodist Church has operated on Saturday mornings for more than 10 years, providing fun rides for children and the young at heart, raising over £15,000 for children’s charities. “We’re thrilled to be working with these talented engineers at Crewe UTC college, who are kindly building new track lengths for us.” said Eddie George, Director of The Friends of the Nantwich Signal Box Ltd, who are delivering the railway extension project for the church. “We’ve decided to extend the track behind the church to give people an even longer ride.”
On track for completion in September
Engineering students Adam Jenkins and Daniel Warner, both at Crewe UTC Sixth Form College studying BTEC Diploma in Engineering, have built two lengths of track already. Eddie and railway volunteer Richard Caulder recently visited the college’s workshop to see how they were getting on. “The first two lengths have been built and look fantastic and we have since tested an electric engine on the track and it ran successfully.” said Eddie.
Dan and Adam are now completing the construction of the remaining lengths of track, under the instruction of the college’s Engineering Technician Chris Wood, and look forward to proudly handing them over to the church.